Melissa Supports the Journey of the Spiritual-Adventurer

Akashic Records Training & Certification

Learn to Read & Heal in the Akashic Records Learn to Heal both Past & Current Trauma Learn to Read and Heal All Relationships
Imagine connecting to a place where you can receive information about your past lives and the past lives of others!
Imagine what it would be like to be of service by reading the Akashic Records for yourself and others!
You can help others and yourself transcend the lower Karmic Patterns in the Akashic Records.
Quantum Leap your transformation and change your life and your client’s lives now!
#1 Akashic Records Certification

Accelerate Your Divine Mission

Become an Akashic Records Expert!

This Akashic Records Certification is unique because it is divinely created for you to read the Akashic Records, Past lives, and to experience deep, permanent healing in yourself and your clients.
You will receive in-depth education, practical experience, mentorship, and deep healing.
Once you complete the training, you will feel more confident and excited about working in the Akashic Realm, the Quantum Field, and how to guide and help others on their spiritual path.
  • Learn to easily read the Akashic Records
  • The formula for healing in the Akashic Records
  • Receive specific guidance from the Records to help others 
  • Learn how trauma influences you, your energy and your karma
  • Actionable steps to do physical healing for your clients
  • Receive special attunements and healings to help you and your clients transcend your past, including Karmic Patterns
  • Learn to access the vast knowledge of the Akashic Records at the highest level
  • Learn to receive guidance & transcend the limiting patterns of your beliefs and Karma

The Benefits of Using the Akashic Records on the Quantum Field

  •  Get to the deepest root of issues that keep you feeling stuck again and again
  • Free yourself from your Karmic patterns
  • Help others to heal and grow & release old Karmic patterns and beliefs
  • Clear lifetimes of pain aHelp yourself & others have better, healthier relationshipsnd grief
  • Anchor in your Higher Consciousness
  • Make money giving readings and healing sessions
  • Learn to read past lives and clear the energy that has influenced you and your clients 
  • Live your life more on purpose and more consciously
  • Discover your gifts and the truth of your soul’s purpose
  • Feel of service to others by gaining valuable skills
You are here to transcend your lower vibrations of lack, fear, anger, sadness, and so on, but are you still trying to figure out your life and what to do next?
When you are a certified Akashic Records Healer and Coach™ through the Spiritual Expansion Academy™ you have the tools to transform people’s lives immediately, starting with you!

It's Time for You to Take Back Your Power and...

  • Learn a powerful Healing Modality that can be effectively used in person and remotely
  • Learn to easily access anyone’s Akashic Records and receive massive amounts of clarity and insight for transformation
  • Experience the power of the Akashic Records and the questions to ask to get the most pertinent information
  • Experience a step by step guide to the what, where and how of working in the Akashic Records on the Quantum Field
  • Reach every level of the Akashic Records without needing to memorize prayers
  • On every level of the Akashic Records you have unlimited potential to receive answers and guidance, deep permanent healing, transcend limiting patterns, beliefs and Karma

Quantum Leap your transformation!

Become a Master at reading and healing in the Akashic Records on the Quantum Field and create massive transformation for you and your clients.
Sign Up Now to start your Akashic Records Journey!

Starts: Jan 27, 2025

What are others saying...

I'm very grateful for the Akashic Records course because it has really changed my life in just these short months of taking the course. The amount of deep healing that has happened for me is huge and it’s not like the little stuff. This has far surpassed other forms of healing that I've gone through. And it's literally been a life changer. And I'm just so grateful. I am in a much better space than I was, than when we started in March. These changes have happened very quickly. I've never had anything that has caused such shifts, such life-changing shifts in such a short period of time. Thank you. I'm very grateful.

Nadine Reid

Hi There!

I'm Melissa Feick

I am so grateful to meet you!
I’d love to share a little bit about me…
A long time ago, I was searching, but I didn’t know what I was searching for, so I started on my spiritual journey at a young age.
After serving thousands of people, I realized that most spiritual people are searching for connection. This is because this world holds the vibration of separation.
This is why I help spiritual seekers, coaches, teachers, and starseeds connect with their Higher Consciousness! Because once you feel that connection, everything else is easy!
As a spiritual mentor and teacher for over two decades, I know how to help you get to the next level of your spiritual ascension and intuition.
I am the best selling author of “A Radical Approach to the Akashic Records: Master Your Life and Raise Your Vibration”. I have over 20 years of experience teaching and working in the Akashic Records.
I have spoken at the Conscious Living Expo, Portal to Ascension, Sedona Ascension Retreat, Sedona Transcendence Retreat and many more.
In this comprehensive training, you learn how to use the Akashic Records on the Quantum Field to read and heal the lifetimes of Karmic Patterns that keep you stuck.


  • I have been a spiritual mentor and teacher for over two decades and I know how to help you get to the next level of your spiritual ascension and intuition.

  • Once you complete the training, you will feel more confident and excited about working in the Akashic Realm, the Quantum Field, and to guide and help others on their spiritual path.

  • Once the course is complete, you will roll into our once a month calls, which will support you moving forward. You will have access to those calls for 6 more months.

  • You will learn so much about yourself as a person and as a reader and healer! You will be learning to intuitively read and heal others while discovering your brand of connecting to the Akashic Records.

This is Totally for you if...

This is Not for you if...

This is Not for you if...

During this Sacred Training

You will Receive...

  • All the Videos, Demonstrations, PDF’s and Meditations in the course
  • Learn how to get to each level of the Akashic Records
  • Swaps: You will have the opportunity to do readings, healings and practice with other students – this will build your proficiency and confidence in a safe, non-judgmental environment
  • Mentorship: You will receive group mentorship from Melissa during the live Zoom calls
  • Akashic Records Certification – You can just go through the training or you can become certified. There are a few extra steps you will need to do and you will need to do Akashic Records Readings and Healings on a few people outside of class. More details will be available closer to the end of the class.
  • Private Facebook Group – This is where you will connect with other students and schedule swaps

Here's what others are saying the Certification

Shanika Malcolm

"After reading Melissa Akashic Record's book, I knew I had to take this course, and I’m so glad I did. Melissa is a great teacher, and the experience was invaluable. The course was really transformative.
It was a great blend of knowledge and practice, one of the best things I've done for myself in years. Say yes to transformation.”

Anne Kjellgren

"Working in the Akashic Records was revolutionary to my time spent in meditation and working in the Quantum Field. The class inspired me and I’m more aware of what I am creating in my life.
Meeting with the other class participants and practicing what we learned in our weekly lessons was illuminating. This class made me start looking at things from a new perspective.
Melissa is a very competent and compassionate instructor. She is the real deal. She walks her talk and lives through all of this like the rest of us. Her knowledge and research are thorough and has been applied personally. She knows her stuff and has her heart in the right place. She has a servant's heart."


Soul Gifts

Bonus # 1

Everyone has a soul imprint of higher vibrational energy that is part of your soul essence. It is usually a vibration that can be translated into the energy of a gift while incarnating on the Earth Plane. This is a unique imprint that becomes an innate trait while in a human body. In this training you will learn more about the Soul’s Path, Soul connection and the Soul’s gifts. You will receive a few videos, a pdf and a meditation to discover your Soul’s Essence Gifts.

Awaken Your Intuition

Bonus #2

Jumpstart and expand your intuition fast with this 5-day Intuition challenge. This is the information I wish I knew when I was developing and perfecting my intuitive abilities!
I will be sharing with you the secret to consistent intuition using practical tools to help you feel confidently intuitive. Plus (and this is what so many people want) I will help you overcome the blocks and doubts that plague so many people when they first discover the depth of the intuition that lives inside them.

Shadow Work & Archetypes

Bonus # 3

Learn more about how the ego shadow creates your reality and how it influences your life. When you start looking at your own shadow, you can clear that energy in the Akashic Records on the Quantum Field.
In these videos you will also learn how to recognize the archetypes that influence your life.

Akashic Records Meditations

Bonus # 4

Connecting with the Akashic Records on the Quantum Field
Clear the Clutter in Your Head
Activate and Align Your Chakras
Guided Meditation to the Akashic Records
Soul Essence Gift Meditation

Akashic Records Training & Certification


$1222 Special Offer!
Payment Plan Available

Starts Jan 27, 2025

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Frequently Asked Questions

When you are certified, it is more professional and you have more credibility. It entices your clients to see you as a professional practitioner and that you are an advanced Akashic Records Reader and healer.

In order to be certified, you will need to complete all the training in the membership area. You will need to complete all the internal practice sessions with your fellow students and do Akashic Records readings and healings on 7 people outside of class. I will give you more details during our live calls.
YES! You will receive all the training you need in this course, including guidance and support from Melissa and your classmates.
This training and certification is unique since you will be taught how to work in all levels of the Akashic Records, including the Quantum. It is a 5D way to connect to the Records. This work is the next level of training in the Akashic Records.
You can pay three ways: Paid in Full
Two Payment Plan
$644.00 for two consecutive months
Four Payment Plan
$327.00 for four consecutive months
No worries! I will hop on a call with you and we can discuss all the details of the course, what you are looking for and if this is a good match for you.
This training is unique because you will learn to access the Akashic on every level. You will also receive intimate knowledge of the highest vibration of the Akasha. This certification will show you what’s possible when you utilize the Akashic Records on the Quantum Field and high vibrational coaching techniques. Melissa works with you and helps you feel proficient in working with the Akashic Records.
No Problem! You can take all the trainings and get on the live calls without getting certified. You will receive the benefit of the whole course so you can do this work on your family, friends and yourself. If you’d like to be certified in the future, that is an option as well.
If you are unable to make the live calls, you can still submit questions and receive direct feedback. All questions will be answered on the live calls. Live Calls are on Thursdays at 5pm Pacific US.

Program Curriculum

Akashic Records Training & Certification

“A Radical Approach to the Akashic Records: Master Your Life and Raise Your Vibration!”

Now an international bestseller with over 1700 5-star reviews.
If you read it, this certification will teach you even more. It expands on all the information, healing and wisdom contained in the book! You’ll also get to work with me personally during the class, because I will be with you the whole way, helping, guiding and supporting you! It is a highly interactive class and you’ll be so happy you joined us!
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