I have been feeling amazing, energised and whole, since the healing. My fatigue has lifted, my higher consciousness is anchored in. And if the triggers come up, they quickly dissipate. The profound waves in the healing session, of letting go of others’ negative energy and my own, that I’d been holding on to for so long, felt SO POWERFUL and REAL. And as you said, created the space needed for my higher consciousness to come forward.
The amazing thing about this healing is that, not only did it feel incredibly POWERFUL (which I rarely feel), but it was instantaneous. There will always be triggers and niggles, but right now, I feel like a new person who is able to respond differently – with more equanimity; from a more loving, grounded space. I’m excited to try this new healing out on others!
I have experienced other modalities and coaching sessions but Melissa helped me achieve the results that has been beyond what I would have imagined in such a short period of time.
Being able to identify feelings has never been easy for me. Melissa guided me through a process that helped me recognize my patterns and events in my life which has created such a shift in my vibration and my life.
I feel that I am more engaged in life and that I flow with life with more ease. I feel very empowered to be able to create all that I desire rather than blocking my creations due to my former patterns.
I know I have transcended patterns that have been part of my family lineage, so I am grateful to be given the chance to break that chain.
Melissa is a wonderful teacher, healer, and coach. She empowers others to help themselves move forward. I have had Melissa work with both my daughter and myself and have seen amazing results. I also know many friends who have loved her services as well.