Akashic Records Healing Coaching

Raise your vibration & transfrom your life
Empaths, Spiritual Seekers, Intuitives, and Light Workers!
Raise Your Vibration and
Drastically Change Your Life!
Transform Your Life!
Only schedule if you are interested in a coaching package, this is not a reading!

What is Akashic Records Healing & Coaching™?

Spiritual Expansion Academy™ and The Akashic Records Healing and Coaching™ is the fastest way to remove all energy that is blocking you. I help you remove, from your DNA, Cellular Memory, Akashic Records, Genetic line, Cultural line and the Mental, Physical and Emotional Bodies the traumas, and programs that are keeping you stuck in dis-ease and unhealthy habits. The DNA holds not just your cellular blueprint but it also holds cellular memory and karma. I use my intuition and the Akashic Records on the Quantum Field to find the stuck energy that is causing you difficulty in your life.
What causes an imbalance in your mental, emotional and physical bodies is multidimensional and complicated. Most healings only work on one or two levels. This Intuitive Akashic Healing works on all the levels so you receive the highest vibrational healing to release lifetimes of programs and illnesses. This Akashic Records Healing and Coaching ™ will support you in creating the life you desire.

What are the benefits of Akashic Records Healing & Coaching™

Inside your body, you have physical and non-physical structures and the body responds to your environment both physically and in a non-physical way. This Akashic Records Healing and Coaching™ releases old traumas and programs and reprograms the crystalline structure within the DNA. This reprogramming is so gentle but extremely effective. It works on the physical, mental and emotional levels, in the DNA, the Cellular Memory, Genetic and Cultural line, and the Akashic Records all at once since all imbalances are connected to all of these bodies and your karma. This healing also removes the fears, lower emotions, traumas and negative memory is deactivated and then your Akashic Records are rewritten.
As the DNA begins to reprogram you start to see beyond the illusion of this space into the Oneness and Ascension states of consciousness like instant healing, inner peace, unconditional love, instant manifestation, and bilocation to name a few. You will also begin to Align with Your Higher Consciousness and fall in love with life!
When you work with me you receive the support and help you need to move forward with clarity and focus! Since I am an advanced healer and intuitive you will experience deeper healing and accelerate your process. I create a safe, loving environment while keeping you grounded and on track in your life. I will help you see through your blocks and shift them so you may create the life you desire.
When you work with an Advanced Intuitive Healing Coach you experience a profound life shift!

What is included in Akashic Records Healing & Coaching™

This is the best combination of deep Spiritual Healing and Intuitive Coaching. When you work with an advanced Energy Healer and Intuitive who’s able to help you expand past your limitations and blocks you receive major life shifts in every area of your life. I will connect with your Akashic Records on the Quantum Field which transforms your life and aligns you with your higher consciousness. I create a sacred space of support so you feel a sense of safety and possibility. Since I am an advanced intuitive I can guide you to the most profound, intimate healing so you can become your fullest potential, feel more on purpose and experience joy.

What sets Akashic Records Healing & Coaching™ apart from others?

This Akashic Records Healing & Coaching™ has evolved as I have evolved as a healer and coach. The depth of the healing and coaching will help you realize what you truly desire, you will start to live your life happier and healthier.
Regular Life Coaches bring you through a process to identify your strengths and what’s most important to you and gives you tasks to complete. If you are unsure what you want or you feel stuck this can be a difficult, long process. When you work with an Intuitive Life Coach like me I am able to see the depth of your fears, desires and old negative patterns that have kept you stuck and unsure and I’m able to clear them!
I will also be able to listen to what path you should take and what is best for you to focus on. I don’t give whimsical, woo woo advice on your next move, I keep the energy grounded and clear so you have a specific structure to follow in order to complete your goals. My goal is to empower you and help you feel connected to your own intuition so you feel secure in your path once we finish our coaching together.
A regular Life Coach isn’t able to help you heal the issues and blocks to your intuition and your fullest potential. As an Akashic Records Healer and Coach™, I’m able to bring forward your fullest potential and create an environment of support and safety so you feel empowered about who you really are and where you’re headed in life.

I have been feeling amazing, energised and whole, since the healing. My fatigue has lifted, my higher consciousness is anchored in. And if the triggers come up, they quickly dissipate. The profound waves in the healing session, of letting go of others’ negative energy and my own, that I’d been holding on to for so long, felt SO POWERFUL and REAL. And as you said, created the space needed for my higher consciousness to come forward.
The amazing thing about this healing is that, not only did it feel incredibly POWERFUL (which I rarely feel), but it was instantaneous. There will always be triggers and niggles, but right now, I feel like a new person who is able to respond differently – with more equanimity; from a more loving, grounded space. I’m excited to try this new healing out on others!

Sarah Powell

What do you stand to lose?

If you are in the same place you were even a year ago you and you are ready for real spiritual expansion™ then it’s time to take your power back and experience massive shifts in your life through my Akashic Records Healing and Coaching™. Many clients say they want to change and have a better life but years later they are still telling me the same stories of pain and sadness. This happens because they really don’t know how to make these changes on their own. Some may work with other healers and coaches but find that they still have some healing to do to get to the next level of their potential. This deep, transformative healing is available if you are ready to make major changes in your life.

I've been a Healer and Intuitive since 1997.

My whole life I wanted to help people and as an Intuitive Healer and Spiritual Coach, my deepest desire is to help people experience deep transformation. The Akashic Records Healing and Coaching™ was a download for my book and the healing I provide. Since my serious interest in metaphysics began in the mid-1990’s I was always looking for faster and better ways to heal and raise my vibration and to help others in doing the same thing. My guides always helped me discover the best and fastest way to deep transformation which is how the Akashic Records Healing and Coaching™ came about. I started to do Intuitive Coaching but I realized so many people were stuck because of their past patterns and I was shown how to help them.
Akashic Records Healing and Coaching™ is for anyone interested in getting past their fears and start to live their life with purpose!

Taking the first step is never easy.

I know how hard it is to admit that you are feeling stuck and unsure. It’s a big step to ask for help! I remember going to my first healer and admitting how I felt, it was scary but worth it! When you contact me for your Free Clarity Call you will discover how easy it is to talk to me and connect with me. My goal is to help you clarify what you want and where you want to go while assisting you in clearing old patterns blocking you from joy.

My Current Clients.

I have helped clients with many different areas of life and business. I can do this because I’ve been able to see what they really need to feel empowered and safe to make the hard decisions and movements in their life. I’ve helped clients while they were going through a divorce, quitting their job, starting a new career, starting a spiritual business, want to take their spiritual business to the next level and other practical situations. I’ve also helped clients who just feel stuck, who don’t know what’s next or where they should go, they want to connect with higher states of consciousness, they want to raise their vibration, they want to heal their old patterns, they want to be happier & healthier to name a few.
In all honesty, my clients seem to just “find” me. They were referred, they just happened to read a post on social media, they came across one of my YouTube videos or read my book. They all seem like practical ways but for me, I truly know and believe that spirit leads them to me because they are ready to create a deep transformation in their life, they are finished being their old selves and they’re ready to become a higher vibration.

Susan Blais

Tamera Porter

What are others saying...

I have experienced other modalities and coaching sessions but Melissa helped me achieve the results that has been beyond what I would have imagined in such a short period of time.
Being able to identify feelings has never been easy for me. Melissa guided me through a process that helped me recognize my patterns and events in my life which has created such a shift in my vibration and my life.
I feel that I am more engaged in life and that I flow with life with more ease. I feel very empowered to be able to create all that I desire rather than blocking my creations due to my former patterns.
I know I have transcended patterns that have been part of my family lineage, so I am grateful to be given the chance to break that chain.

Karen Ogden

Melissa is a wonderful teacher, healer, and coach. She empowers others to help themselves move forward. I have had Melissa work with both my daughter and myself and have seen amazing results. I also know many friends who have loved her services as well.

Angela Young

Meet Melissa Feick

Hi! I’m Melissa
I’ve been a professional intuitive and spiritual teacher for over 20 years.
I’ve been a professional intuitive and spiritual teacher for over 20 years.
I love to teach and many say that I am a “natural teacher.” I enjoy sharing the transformational tools and techniques that have worked to change my life, and the lives of so many of my clients.
People tell me that I am able to take complex materials and share it in a practical way that helps you expand your awareness. Teaching isn’t about knowing facts, although that’s important, teaching is about being able to transfer the information to you. I find that transference means you receive the understanding, wisdom and cosmic energy of the material! Energy has to connect.
© Copyrights by Melissa Feick. All Rights Reserved.
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