The Spiritual Expansion™ Series is for spiritual seekers who want to fully step into the Divine Matrix of Love. Each week Ascension expert Melissa Feick will connect you with high vibrational leaders who offer unique perspectives to will support you in raising your vibration and expanding your consciousness.

Melissa’s intention is to create a sacred space to accelerate the Ascension energy and to empower you on your spiritual path. The show invites you to go deep into healing multidimensionally, manifesting through divine creation, and allowing peace and love into your life. Want to let go of your lower self and anchor in your Higher Consciousness? The Spiritual Expansion™ Series shows you how!

Spiritual Expansion and Ascension™ Podcast.

A podcast about Spiritual Expansion and Ascension™ where high vibration, metaphysics, ancient wisdom, and mystical experiences come together to expand your consciousness. This is a safe place where you can dive deep into the Great Awakening and the next paradigm shift. Melissa Feick will bring a fun, fresh perspective to consciousness, metaphysics, spirituality, and mystical topics. Melissa and her high vibe guests will blow your mind and push your boundaries by exploring timelines and parallel realities, the matrix, how to use Quantum Physics to create, aliens and the Akashic Records. 

Spiritual Expansion Blog
Deep Connection for Your Spiritual Journey


This blog is designed to support you on your spiritual journey.It will help  you navigate the blocks that and difficulties that you will face while letting go of lower vibrations so you can raise your vibration.