Yearly Archives: 2020

Episode 002: Relationships

Episode 002: Do You transform or walk away from certain relationships during your spiritual awakening In this episode you will receive insight into your own energy and how that affects your relationships. As a spiritual person you will want to have a deeper insight and understanding of boundaries to have healthy relationships. I will also help you see the nature of the energy exchange you have with everyone and everything in your life. You can empower yourself by taking responsibility for your triggers and actions. To grow and expand you will want to have healthier, [...]

By |2020-11-22T17:03:10-05:00November 19th, 2020|Podcast|0 Comments

Spiritual Bypassing Examples

I wanted to share with you some examples of Spiritual Bypassing and so you recognize when you disconnect from your feelings or when others are Spiritual Bypassing. Spirituality is not designed for you avoid your pain, unresolved wounds, or any lower feelings. It's designed to help you recognize the potential to be a higher vibration and to heal any lower vibrations. Don't resist your lower vibrations or feelings by denying them! That is the lie people tell you. During the Great Awakening you are ready to shift into higher vibrations but don't avoid or bypass your issues. [...]

By |2020-08-09T13:28:22-04:00August 9th, 2020|Ascension, Higher Consciousness|4 Comments

Awakening Into Surrender

Have I ever told you that I’m obsessed with Michael Singer’s book The Surrender Experiment? Well, I am! I’ve been consumed by the book for many years. It has nothing to do with the author or the story. It has to do with the concept of Surrender. In the mid 1990’s I took classes with my first teachers, Mike and Pat. I wasn’t their favorite. Nope, not even in the least bit. I was way too inquisitive and young. When I would ask a question that Pat didn’t like she would say, “You’re not ready for the, honey”. That answer [...]

By |2022-06-26T21:24:50-04:00July 9th, 2020|Ascension, Higher Consciousness|2 Comments

The Lies of Ascension

The process of ascension or enlightenment is about expanding your consciousness and personal development. You’re here to master the three lower planes of existence, the Physical, mental and emotional planes. Since you’ve been incarnating on the earth you’ve been working toward the process of raising your awareness of what and how you create on the lower planes. You are co-creating every second of your life, there’s never a moment that you are not creating.  As a human, you have been taught to blame others instead of taking full responsibility for your life, both the [...]

By |2020-07-09T17:15:47-04:00June 17th, 2020|Ascension|3 Comments

Spiritual Awakening and Mood Swings

Here you are on your spiritual path thinking everything is going smoothly... and Wham!  You're knocked out of balance by something or someone in your life.  You may experience times when you don't feel so spiritual or you are bogged down with a lot of emotions. In this video I will help you understand the vibration of emotions and some tools to help you get out of a funk.

By |2020-06-17T16:38:26-04:00June 17th, 2020|Ascension, Uncategorized|2 Comments
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