As we move into the Age of Aquarius, there are certain Laws of the Universe that we need to transcend to anchor in higher Ascension energies.

One of those laws is the Law of Polarity, which is a powerful indicator of your vibration. It’s not always easy to stay centered and balanced.

There are always ups and downs in life and it’s essential to recognize when you are out of balance.

The human experience is an intricate tapestry of emotions, ranging from joy and love to sorrow and anger, and it’s natural to experience a wide range of emotions.

That is the Law of Polarity. It is all about the extremes or opposites.

It can be easy to fall into the energy of extremes, including overanalyzing or emotional extremes. Whether the extreme comes from your mind or emotions, you want to learn to recenter and balance your energy.

Often I see clients dwelling in extreme states of emotional or mental turmoil for prolonged periods. The polarity of energy affects your ability to manifest desired outcomes.

Finding balance amidst the chaos and polarity within and without is a journey of self-awareness and Ascension.

Here are a few suggestions to help you to be more centered:

  • Acknowledge and be present with your emotions: Give yourself permission to feel and connect with your emotions as they arise.
  • Practice self-compassion and self-care: Treat yourself with loving kindness and prioritize connecting with your heart. Take time out of your week for yourself and do something that nourishes your soul.
  • Practice gratitude: Practice gratitude daily, focusing on the blessings and positive aspects of your life. By shifting your perspective towards gratitude, you open yourself to the abundance of the universe and attract more positive energy.
  • Daily meditation and Chakra clearing: Do high vibrational meditation every day. Keep your energy clear by clearing your chakras and your energy field. If you don’t have it already, download the Divine Love Meditation and do it daily.

Remember, finding balance is not about suppressing or denying your emotions; rather, it's about acknowledging them.

In a world filled with polarity, finding your center becomes an act of empowerment. 

Sending you Love & Light!

Infused with Love and Light


© 2023 Melissa Feick

Spiritual Expansion Academy™