Monthly Archives: July 2024

Surprising New Frequency of Transformation

This month, pay attention to where your thoughts, feelings and energy are focused! The energy you focus on is what you create, especially this month! This is the frequency of new beginnings. Since the solar eclipse is the same time as the new moon and it conjuncts Chrion, you want to take time to focus on what you desire for yourself and humanity. It is best to go with a positive tone. Not “Humanity… everything is so messed up, I’m afraid, so make it better.” That is the energy of desperation and fear which no longer fits [...]

By |2024-07-09T10:29:07-04:00July 9th, 2024|Ascension|0 Comments

Allow Love to Flow Through You Effortlessly

The journey of your soul is a unique expression. When you choose to incarnate on this earth, you agreed to help humans to ascend. It seems that many are experiencing their higher selves becoming louder, urging you to step into your true purpose. It's a call to embrace the energy that opens us to a new realm of possibility, guiding you towards the fulfillment of our deepest desires. Your higher self wants you to succeed, to thrive, and to experience life in its fullest expression. It whispers to you in moments of quiet reflection, nudging you towards paths that align with [...]

By |2024-07-09T10:19:59-04:00July 9th, 2024|Ascension|0 Comments

🌟 Ascend Together: Embracing Unconditional Love and Inclusion 🌟

As you journey through the rainbow energy of creation, you may find yourself in a profound shift - an Ascension towards higher states of consciousness and collective unity. At the heart of this transformation lies the potent energy of unconditional love and inclusion, signaling you to embrace limitless power and wisdom. Unconditional love, the purest essence of the universe, knows no boundaries or limitations. It transcends differences and embraces diversity, weaving the Divine energy of harmony and connection. When you open your heart to infinite love, you begin to dissolve the illusions of separation, recognizing the interconnectedness of all beings. Inclusion, the cornerstone [...]

By |2024-07-09T10:15:41-04:00July 9th, 2024|Ascension|0 Comments

Massive Morphogenic Field of Confusion

Over the last few months, there’s been a theme I have been hearing from so many people. This is the energy of confusion. Confusion makes you feel stuck and disoriented. It's crucial to recognize that this confusion often stems from the ego, the relentless whisperer of doubt and fear. As you navigate these moments of uncertainty, please remember that the journey toward spiritual awakening requires you to transcend this confusion. The galactic light codes are activating high vibrational energy, urging you to release the grip of the old paradigm and embrace the dawn of a new era. This energy is the sign for you to let go of outdated [...]

By |2024-07-03T10:50:37-04:00July 3rd, 2024|Ascension|0 Comments

Powerful Opportunity for Transformation

What are you going to do to align your soul energy and your personal ascension process this year? Personally, I am focusing on using the most powerful energy tools and activations, so I can vibrate at the most Divine energy frequency. The Ascension with its Ascension energy is happening whether you are aware of it or not. It is a human evolutionary process and every sentient being connected to this planet is going through the Ascension. One of the things you will want to do for your Ascension is to activate your Light Body, which is different from your Aura. [...]

By |2024-07-03T10:40:03-04:00July 3rd, 2024|Ascension|0 Comments

Profound Power of the Sacred Teachings of the Emerald Tablet

You are a cosmic creator! It is something you can no longer deny! As a cosmic creator, it is important to understand the magical laws responsible for the very essence of creation. The Emerald Tablet whispers those secrets that have echoed through the ages. I truly know that the esoteric wisdom of Alchemy and Light Code Activations are the key to harnessing the higher frequency energy of Ascension. As a spiritual seeker, you are ready to let go of your limitations and delve into your creative source of energy. I know that the mystical teachings of Alchemy and [...]

By |2024-07-01T09:26:35-04:00July 1st, 2024|Ascension|0 Comments
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