Lately, I have been working with Soul Contracts in the Akashic Records on the Quantum Field. From that perspective, the information is much more expansive.

Recently, the Records have been talking about the Karmic contract you have with you! For some reason, most of my clients are more interested in their contracts with other people and don’t even think about what they have agreed to within themselves!

Before I go any further, I would like to share that the Akashic Records on the Quantum Field want you to switch your perspective from a Soul Contract to a Soul Agreement.

To learn more about your Soul Agreements, please watch the Youtube Video I made about Soul Contracts. The link is below.

Are Your Soul Contracts Affecting You?

I am going to use the word agreement instead of contract since that energy feels more in flow.

So, let’s dive into your Soul Agreements you have with yourself! These agreements go beyond any external relationships or commitments with anyone or any situation.

It is the agreement you made with your own Soul before incarnating in this lifetime.

It’s the blueprint you created that includes lessons, experiences, and growth opportunities you chose to undertake for your spiritual evolution.

This special agreement serves as a guide, constantly nudging you towards self-awareness, self-love, and self-mastery.

One way to honor your Soul Agreement is to start to reflect and journal about your Soul’s journey. Let’s just look at this life for now.

Take time to reflect on your life journey and the experiences that have shaped you. Consider the challenges, triumphs, and lessons learned.

Connect with your inner wisdom to gain insights into your Soul's purpose and the growth areas you need to focus on.

While exploring your Soul Contract with yourself, you may encounter challenges such as self-doubt, resistance to change, or fear of confronting painful emotions. It's normal for these things to come up. Just acknowledge the emotions and any resistance you feel.

For you to transcend the agreements you made before you incarnated here, it’s a good idea to seek support from a spiritual teacher or mentor. You don’t want to repeat these patterns and an experienced guide will help empower you to accelerate your spiritual growth.

When you feel empowered, you are able to easily navigate through any obstacles you encounter on your journey of self-realization.

Honoring your Soul Agreement is about fulfilling your own spiritual purpose, which in turn positively impacts the world around you.

Soul Agreements are opportunities for growth, self-empowerment, and, ultimately, a more fulfilling and authentic life.

Sending you Love & Light!

Infused with Love and Light


© 2023 Melissa Feick

Spiritual Expansion Academy™