
Galactic Wisdom from the Akashic Records

Did you know that there are easy, fast ways to transcend your past and be in alignment with your Highest Timeline? This and so much more can be done in the Galactic Akashic Records. The Galactic Akashic Records are very different from the Earth Akashic Records. The Earth Akashic Records can only help you see your past lives with minimal transformation because it only holds your soul’s information on Earth. The Galactic Akashic Records has your whole soul’s history from the beginning of time. I want to help you to make radical changes in your life now and: Transcend your past, including [...]

By |2024-10-03T08:58:35-04:00October 3rd, 2024|Ascension|0 Comments

Do You Want to Know This Too?

I get the same question so many times, that I have been thinking about the most concise, easy answer that will do the question justice. But first, you need to know the question! The most asked question I got was about getting into the quantum Akashic Records! People ask me in the Akashic Certification class, on social media and online. Here are the most important things you need to know: The Akashic Records are your birthright! You always have access.  No person, galactic being, guide, or even God is keeping you from accessing it!  Most people try it once and decide they can’t get [...]

By |2024-09-11T09:03:31-04:00September 11th, 2024|Ascension|0 Comments

When Transition of Death Comes

It has been a difficult week for me. I found out that my sister was calling Hospice for my mother, and I got a last-minute ticket to New Jersey to be by her side. I understand that you have your own experience with death and if you don’t mind, I would like to share mine. As an advanced intuitive and medium, I am able to see and understand beings that are not in a human form including angels, Ascended Masters, deceased loved ones, Galactic beings and elementals. I knew I was supposed to be with my mother as she crossed over. I kept the energy [...]

By |2024-08-01T09:34:14-04:00August 1st, 2024|Ascension|0 Comments

Magical Matrix of Creation

Are you aware of how to use all the energy that is around you? As an observer of energy, I see how energy can be created and manufactured by different people.  You are not a victim of your energy, thoughts, and feelings. Lately, I have watched the energy of others and how they throw it all over the place, making a complete energetic mess. That is what happens when you are in your head and your emotions. Everyone experiences this, and it's really okay. But I want to help you create a Magical Matrix for your creations. The vortex energy can be utilized and activated, so [...]

By |2024-07-23T08:05:45-04:00July 23rd, 2024|Ascension|0 Comments

Feeling Yucky? Fastest Way to Clear Your Energy

Last week I traveled to Denver, CO, to dog-sit my son's new puppy. While traveling and being in a different house, I always do a few things to make sure the environment is at the highest vibration.  But this time I was feeling off, and I cleared the energy out of the house again, but that didn't work either. As I closed my eyes to go into meditation, I realized that I felt off!  Duh! I forgot to clear my energy! I was so busy clearing the house and infusing the space with high frequencies that I neglected myself. [...]

By |2024-07-23T08:01:47-04:00July 10th, 2024|Ascension|0 Comments

Spiritual Growth & Soul Contracts

Lately, I have been working in the Galactic Akashic Records and looking at contracts and agreements. You can have contracts with religions, families, individuals, and even civilizations.  These contracts can be from past lives or your current life. They activate the challenges and experiences you will have to facilitate your spiritual growth. The Akashic Records hold information about all your soul contracts from every lifetime. By accessing this wisdom, you can gain clarity on the agreements you made and how they're playing out in our current reality. So, how do you know if you have a limiting soul contract? [...]

By |2024-07-10T10:57:52-04:00July 10th, 2024|Ascension|0 Comments

Nurture the Most Important Relationships

As a channel, I am always working on my relationships with my guides, angels, Ascended Masters, and Galactic Councils. I believe that nurturing your relationships with your spiritual team will help you immensely on your spiritual path. Even if you don’t know who your spiritual team is, start calling in the angels and the galactic councils or call in your higher self to start.  Don’t wait for permission to contact an Ascended Master. Just start somewhere! And if you already know your guides, keep a running dialog to keep the relationships fresh and energized.  No matter how long you’ve been connecting [...]

By |2024-07-10T10:51:14-04:00July 10th, 2024|Ascension|0 Comments

Mysteries of Your Ascension Light Codes

Yes, the solar flares and the Ascension are intimately related. I have so much I want to say about it, but I will start with this: We are being upgraded, and solar flares are one of the ways this happens, but it’s not the only way. Solar flares are massive explosions on the sun's surface that release intense bursts of energy, light, and high-speed particles into space. The coronal mass ejections (CMEs) emit huge expulsions of plasma that can impact Earth's magnetic field. And remember, all humans have an electromagnetic field.  While channeling information from the Grid Builders, [...]

By |2024-07-10T10:42:59-04:00July 10th, 2024|Ascension|0 Comments
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