I believe that the ego is just a part of the human experience, but the ego can get a bit carried away at times. It may start whining because it seeks validation, attention and control. This can lead to attachment, suffering, and a sense of separation from your true self.

So, your ego can mess with your spiritual journey and your connection with your higher guidance.

Your ego wants to be in charge, and it’s scared of things going wrong, so it tries really hard to control everything. But here's the catch: this need for control often interrupts the flow of the Universe.

For instance, let's say your ego really wants to be successful and popular. Sounds good, right? But at the same time, it's scared of failing and not feeling good enough. Or maybe your ego is all about having lots of stuff and money. But deep down, you might still feel empty, like something's missing.

So, basically, your ego's fear and need for control end up making you feel confused and disconnected from what really matters.

Once you realize this, you can start letting go of that tight grip it has on your thoughts and actions.

Overcoming ego-driven confusion requires a conscious effort and a willingness to let go of attachment and identification with the ego

Try these practices to help you understand the ego.

  • Self-awareness: By becoming aware of your thoughts, emotions, and behaviors, you can start to recognize when the ego is in control. This awareness allows you to pause, reflect, and choose a different, more aligned response.
  • Surrender to Your Higher Self: Trust in you, but not the ego you. Let go of your ego's need for control.

I hope this helps you see through the confusion and to start feeling more empowered!

Sending you Love/Light            


Infused with Love and Light


© 2023 Melissa Feick

Spiritual Expansion Academy™