
Are You Aware of Yourself?

You have so many layers, but are you aware of them all the time? Most likely you aren’t aware of your subconscious and reactive thoughts and feelings. They just come in and take over. That is where the beauty of the observer comes in. The observer is your higher consciousness, your multidimensional awareness. If you are ready to activate the next level of your spiritual awakening, you want to activate and connect to your observer. The observer has direct communication with your higher consciousness and is fully aware of the lower consciousness or ego-self. It awakens through the act of [...]

By |2022-10-25T18:29:35-04:00September 8th, 2022|Ascension|0 Comments

Are You Attached to Lower Vibrations?

The ultimate power in surrender is when you allow the Universe (or Source, etc.) to create for you. Surrendering isn’t about giving up, it’s about no longer being attached to the outcome of anything or anyone. When you are attached the ego now has a vested interest in what happens. Your ego keeps the thoughts and emotions on high alert around the situation. For instance, you are upset that a project you are working on isn’t going well. You are upset with what you would call incompetent people or manager. Basically, you feel a [...]

By |2022-08-28T11:14:08-04:00August 28th, 2022|Ascension|0 Comments

Moving from Lower Consciousness to Higher Consciousness

This is a real time of change, but as we know, change doesn't always happen with ease and grace. Sometimes we need to be pushed out of our comfort zone. This is where our higher consciousness comes in. It nudges us without judgement or expectations. Isn't that nice? Anything you do or not do isn't labeled as good or bad. You didn't do anything wrong according to your higher consciousness. You may assume our guidance is like a scolding parent, but it's not. I have had some amazing healings and experiences lately but not [...]

By |2022-08-16T12:16:29-04:00August 16th, 2022|Ascension|0 Comments

Sending Love Without Being Wounded Spiritually

I just opened an email from someone who said something to the effect of, “If you are from the USA you are a thief, go away.” And then they sent a second email with something similar. When my children were little, I remember being afraid of letting others know what I did. I was afraid that they would attack me or be judgmental. I was living on the east coast of the US and people weren’t very tolerant when it came to people like me. For so long, I wasn’t forthright about what I did. If a fellow parent asked [...]

By |2022-08-15T15:04:37-04:00August 15th, 2022|Ascension|0 Comments

Pitfalls of Mainstream Matrix: Time to be Empowered

Ascension is the spiritual awakening that brings us toward unity, consciousness and Divine Love, but it’s obvious that we are not there yet! This is because Ascension is a process, and we are moving from the old paradigm into a new one. Please don’t be discouraged when you are being pulled toward the old matrix of separation and fear. Currently, the Law of Polarity is fully present in the world, which means that you are experiencing the opposite poles of yourself and everything around you. Everything is dual in nature and even though love [...]

By |2022-08-15T13:52:41-04:00August 7th, 2022|Ascension|0 Comments

Empowerment Through Surrender and Trust

Surrender is a word that a lot of people have difficulty with. They see surrender as something that means they're giving up their power or they're giving up their sovereignty. But surrender is really about you letting go of your control. Most likely there are times when you have issues with giving up your control. You may not even know that you're so busy trying to control your environment, control your feelings, control how people perceive you. These are the ways we can try to control our world. “I want everybody to think that I'm this kind of person, [...]

By |2022-08-03T11:28:52-04:00August 3rd, 2022|Ascension|0 Comments

Episode 039: What it means to be empowered through surrender and trust

The most empowering opportunity you have in your spiritual evolution is to surrender. When you learn to trust yourself and your creations you are able to trust into surrender which will help you feel safer and more empowered. Transcription Hello, and welcome to the Spiritual Expansion and Ascension Podcast. Your guide on this crazy spiritual journey with me, Melissa. This podcast is for those who want to expand their consciousness and dive deep into the great awakening and the next paradigm shift. We'll be exploring all sorts of metaphysical and mystical topics, including timelines, parallel realities, the matrix, [...]

By |2021-11-10T08:57:50-05:00October 6th, 2021|Podcast|0 Comments

Episode 035: Sedona Shamanic Priestess Deva Light Language

In this episode I sit down with Deva Vidya who is a Shamanic Priestess in Sedona. Deva shares her wisdom of Shamanism and how she became a Shamanic Priestess.  Deva also shares her channeled Light Language and how it helps people in her Shamanic practice. To find out more about Deva and her new Light Language Album go to her website at Deva Vidya:  Shamanic Priestess, Divine Channeler, Published Author, Spiritual Growth Guide Deva Vidya is High Priestess of Way of the Sacred and a Master Spiritual Growth Teacher.  As a channel she brings the Divine Feminine into physical form. [...]

By |2021-09-21T15:02:08-04:00September 8th, 2021|Podcast|0 Comments
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